3 Zyliss Electric Potato Peeler (Video)

electric potato peeler

Zyliss comes with 3 popular electric potato peeler. They are actually called Zyliss Multipeeler Electric Peeler. Come in three very nice color - blue, green and red. Easy to use and easy to clean. If you are looking for the right electric potato peeler then do not miss this review video:

In this video it looks like Zyliss electric potato peeler is very easy to use. It glides smoothly on smooth skin and hard skin fruit and vegetable. Unfortunately, customer review of this potato peeler is limited. One Amazon customer who likes this electric potato peeler said that it works very well when she used it to peel carrot and potato.

Plus, the Amazon site says that this electric potato peeler:

* Also useful for shaving chocolate and hard cheese or to create ribbons of cucumbers and zucchini for presentation platters
* Safety ensured with a blade cover to protect the high-grade stainless steel blade and shield hands from blade when not in use
* Comes with 4 AA batteries

If you are looking the right electric potato peeler then you might like Zyliss Multipeeler. If the motor is durable I believe this peeler will be your best kitchen friend for years. Electric potato peeler, lucky with this Internet info about it is everywhere.

electric potato peeler

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